It is March! Which besides perhaps being best known for St. Patrick's day is also the month that holds the zodiac sign Aries- and the birthstone of the month is Aquamarine.
It is a stunning gemstone that comes in several shades of blue, from pale pastel, to deep blue and even a greenish hue. It is knows for a vivid color that is striking in contrast. It is made up of the mineral beryl, and composed primarily of beryllium and aluminum silicate. It's name comes from a Latin experssion meaning "seawater". The gem is a hard stone, and known for it's almost glass-like appearance.

Queen Elizabeth herself has a remarkable collection of the gemstone- that are said to be a personal favorite of the monarch.
If you are looking for an option to bestow on your own special March baby- we can absolutely help you with that, and we can even make something custom just perfect for your gifting needs!